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Transfer credits from one account to another account, using the username to specify the target account.




integer $quantity: 

The number of credits to transfer from the source account to the target account.

string $target_username:

The username of the account to transfer the credits to.

string $target_password:

The password of the account to transfer the credits to.


an array with four keys: 'source_credits_before', 'source_credits_after',
'target_credits_before' and 'target_credits_after' e.g. $result['source_credits_after']

Array KeyValue
source_credits_before The number of credits on the source account before the transfer.

The number of credits on the source account after the transfer.

target_credits_beforeThe number of credits on the target account before the transfer.

The number of credits on the target account after the transfer.

Specific error codes:


There are insufficient credits available to transfer the specified quantity, or the specified quantity is not a positive number


The target account number specified is not a valid number or username/password combination does not refer to any known account


You must know!

Our example code is an illustration of how you might integrate with our systems and is not certified for production environments. You are responsible for testing and QA.