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If you are using the API / Gateway to send bulk SMS you can collect your delivery reports from the server, which is a good way of removing bad numbers from your data.

Delivery Reporting

It is important to understand the difference between getting a “failure” (or success) message at the API/Gateway and a delivery report.

The HTTP GET response from the gateway only confirms that the number and message appear to be in the correct format this does not mean that the number exists.

Delivery reports confirm to you what has actually happened to the message, the following outcomes are possible:

DELIVERED”,”REJECTED”,”FAILED”,"NOT-UK",”PENDING” and no report at all.


DeliveredThe message has been delivered to the handset .

Rejected by the relevant operator and did not attempt to deliver it


The number isn't in use, but may have been and might be again in the future.


Trying to send a non UK number when your account isn't internationally enabled.


Waiting for the report from the networks. Can take up to 3 days

Delivery Report Collection Methods





See our RESTful services which offer a comprehensive and simplified method to collect your delivery reports. We recommend that you use this approach.

Landing Page (push method)

We can push the delivery reports via a GET request to a url of your choice. Log into Message Box and navigate to “Account Settings => API Config" tab and see the Report url field.

ParameterData Type Detail

The message id that relates to the id from the send, you must use this id to match the original send not the msisdn

delivered_dateTIMESTAMP(INT) Date of delivery +- 2 mins
processed_dateTIMESTAMP(INT)Ignore, internal test date
statusSTRING The delivery status as above
msisdn INTMobile number of the handset

Account API Branch Report View

This view shows volume grouped by the custom parameter and the month which you included with in your API send (via rest or simple API). Click Analytics from the main menu.