Get the availability of a given reply keyword.
A reply keyword allows you receive incoming text messages to your account by providing people with a keyword, which they text to the short code 88802, e.g. text 'INFO' to 88802 to see this in action.

Hashtable<String, String> result = tmClient.getKeyword("gold");
System.out.println("The 'gold' keyword is available (" + result.get("available") + "), recycled ("+ result.get("recycle") + ")");



String keyword:

The keyword to check is availability


an Hashtable with two keys: 'available' and 'recycle' e.g. result.get("available")

Hastable keyValue
availableWhether this keyword is currently available from Text Marketer.
recycleWhether this keyword has been recycled (previously used).

Specific error codes:


error code 400 is reported if the keyword name is not specified. See General error codes.