// Send SMS Example
class SendSMS
	private $url = 'https://api.textmarketer.co.uk/services/rest/sms'; // url of the service
	private $username = 'myAPIusername'; // CHANGE THIS!!!
	private $password = 'myAPIpassword'; // CHANGE THIS!!
	private $message_id,$credits_used;
	function __construct()
	public function getMessageID()
		return $this->message_id;
	public function getCreditsUsed()
		return $this->credits_used;
	// public function to commit the send
	public function send($message,$mobile,$originator)
		$url_array= array('message'=>$message,'mobile_number'=>$mobile, 'originator'=>$originator,
		'username'=>$this->username, 'password'=>$this->password);
		$url_string = $data = http_build_query($url_array, '', '&');
		// we're using the curl library to make the request
		$curlHandle = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
		curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
		curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $url_string);
		curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		$responseBody = curl_exec($curlHandle);
		$responseInfo  = curl_getinfo($curlHandle);
		return $this->handleResponse($responseBody,$responseInfo);
	private function handleResponse($body,$info)
		if ($info['http_code']==200){ // successful submission
			$xml_obj = simplexml_load_string($body);
			// extract message id and credit usuage
			$this->message_id = (int) $xml_obj->message_id;
			$this->credits_used = (int) $xml_obj->credits_used;
			return true;
			$this->message_id = null;
			$this->credits_used = null;
			// error handling
			return false;
 * Example of use
 * Remember to change the username and password!
$sms = new SendSMS();
if($sms->send("hello this is a test",'07712345678',"Achme Ltd")) echo "Yay, sent!";
else echo "Boo, not sent";
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import com.textmarketer.Example.SMSResult.TextMarketerError;
public class Example {
	 * Example code to demonstrate the use of the SendSms(...) static method.
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//Replace these parameters with your own
		SMSResult result = sendSms("Java Test", "077777777", "SenderId", "username", "password");

		if (result.errors == null) {
			//Show the results of a successful request
			System.out.println("SMS sent OK on " + result.processedDate.toString() + ". MessageID=" + result.messageId + ", Credits Used=" + result.creditsUsed);
		else {
			//Show the results on an unsuccessful request
			System.out.println("SMS sending failed with the following errors:");
			for (TextMarketerError error : result.errors) {
				System.out.println("Code: " + error.errorCode + "  Text: " + error.errorText);

	 * This method sends an SMS request to the Text Marketer SMS web service, and returns details of the result of the request.
	 * @param message The body of the text message to send
	 * @param mobileNumber The phone number to send the text message to
	 * @param originator Text or a phone number, to indicate who the sender is to the recipient
	 * @param username The username of your Text Marketer account
	 * @param password The password of your Text Marketer account
	 * @return An object representing the result of the call to the web service
	public static SMSResult sendSms(String message, String mobileNumber, String originator, String username, String password) {
		// Create a string representing the data elements to post, then convert it to a byte array
		StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
		try {
			postData.append("message=").append(URLEncoder.encode(message, "UTF-8"));
			postData.append("&mobile_number=").append(URLEncoder.encode(mobileNumber, "UTF-8"));
			postData.append("&originator=").append(URLEncoder.encode(originator, "UTF-8"));
			postData.append("&username=").append(URLEncoder.encode(username, "UTF-8"));
			postData.append("&password=").append(URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8"));
		catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
		String postDataStr = postData.toString();
		URL url;
		HttpURLConnection connection = null;
		try {
			// Create connection
			url = new URL("https://api.textmarketer.co.uk/services/rest/sms");
			connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
			connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
			connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" + Integer.toString(postDataStr.getBytes().length));
			// Send request
			DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
			// Get Response
			InputStream inputStreams = connection.getInputStream();
			// Convert the response data into an XML document and parse the expected
			// elements to get the individual response fields
			DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
			DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
			Document document = builder.parse(inputStreams);
			String date = document.getElementsByTagName("response").item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("processed_date").getNodeValue();
			String reFromattedDate = date.substring(0, 22) + date.substring(23);
			SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
			Date processedDate = format.parse(reFromattedDate);
			String messageId = document.getElementsByTagName("message_id").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
			int creditsUsed = Integer.parseInt(document.getElementsByTagName("credits_used").item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
			SMSResult result = new SMSResult(processedDate, messageId, creditsUsed, null);
			return result;
		catch (Exception e) {
			try {
				InputStream errorStream = connection.getErrorStream();
				// Convert the response data into an XML document and parse the expected
				// error elements to get the individual response fields
				DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
				DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
				Document document = builder.parse(errorStream);
				String date = document.getElementsByTagName("response").item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("processed_date").getNodeValue();
				String reFromattedDate = date.substring(0, 22) + date.substring(23);
				SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
				Date processedDate = format.parse(reFromattedDate);
				NodeList errorNodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("error");
				TextMarketerError[] errors = new TextMarketerError[errorNodeList.getLength()];
				for (int i = 0; i < errorNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
					Node errorNode = errorNodeList.item(i);
					String errorCode = errorNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getNodeValue();
					String errorText = errorNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
					TextMarketerError error = new TextMarketerError(Integer.parseInt(errorCode), errorText);
					errors[i] = error;
				SMSResult result = new SMSResult(processedDate, null, 0, errors);
				return result;
			catch (Exception e2) {
		finally {
			if (connection != null) {
		return null;
	 * Encapsulates the results of a call to the Text Marketer web service.
	public static class SMSResult {
		public Date processedDate;
		public String messageId;
		public int creditsUsed;
		public TextMarketerError[] errors;
		public SMSResult(Date processedDate, String messageId, int creditsUsed, TextMarketerError[] errors) {
			this.processedDate = processedDate;
			this.messageId = messageId;
			this.creditsUsed = creditsUsed;
			this.errors = errors;
		public static class TextMarketerError {
			public int errorCode;
			public String errorText;
			public TextMarketerError(int errorCode, String errorText) {
				this.errorCode = errorCode;
				this.errorText = errorText;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
namespace TextMarketer {
	class Example {
		/// <summary>
		/// Example code to demonstrate the use of the SendSms(...) static method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="args"></param>
		static void Main(string[] args) {
			//Declare the OUT parameters that are used to return the results of the SendSms request
			DateTime processedDate;
			string messageId;
			int creditsUsed;
			TextMarketerError[] errors;
			//Replace these parameters with your own
			bool success = SendSms("This is my message", "018118055", "me", "myUserName", "myPassword", out processedDate, out messageId, out creditsUsed, out errors);
			if (success) {
				//Show the results of a successful request
				Console.WriteLine("SMS sent OK on " + processedDate.ToString() + ". MessageID=" + messageId + ", Credits Used=" + creditsUsed);
			else {
				//Show the results on an unsuccessful request
				Console.WriteLine("SMS sending failed with the following errors:");
				foreach (TextMarketerError error in errors) {
					Console.WriteLine("Code: " + error.errorCode + "  Text: " + error.errorText);
		/// <summary>
		/// This method sends an SMS request to the Text Marketer SMS web service, and returns details of the result of the request.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The body of the text message to send</param>
		/// <param name="mobileNumber">The phone number to send the text message to</param>
		/// <param name="originator">Text or a phone number, to indicate who the sender is to the recipient</param>
		/// <param name="username">The username of your Text Marketer account</param>
		/// <param name="password">The password of your Text Marketer account</param>
		/// <param name="processedDate">Returns the date and time at which the server processed your request</param>
		/// <param name="messageId">Returns a unique Id by which the server identifies the message</param>
		/// <param name="creditsUsed">Returns the number of Text Marketer credits consumed by sending the text message</param>
		/// <param name="errors"></param>Returns an array of TextMarketerError objects identifying an errors in your request.
		/// <returns>True if the request was successful, false if the server could not process your request (see 'errors' out-parameter for details)</returns>
		public static bool SendSms(string message, string mobileNumber, string originator, string username, string password, out DateTime processedDate, out string messageId, out int creditsUsed, out TextMarketerError[] errors) {
			//Create a string representing the data elements to post
			StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
			//Encode the data string into ASCII bytes
			ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
			byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(postData.ToString());
			//Create the web request to the Text Marketer web service and attach the data
			HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://api.textmarketer.co.uk/services/rest/sms");
			webRequest.Method = "POST";
			webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
			webRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
			Stream newStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
			newStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
			string resultString;
			try {
				//Action the post to the server and get the response data stream
				HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
				using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream())) {
					resultString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
				//Convert the response data into an XML document and parse the expected elements to get the individual response fields
				XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
				processedDate = DateTime.Parse(xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("response")[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("processed_date").Value);
				messageId = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("message_id").Item(0).InnerText;
				creditsUsed = Int32.Parse(xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("credits_used").Item(0).InnerText);
				errors = null;
				return true;
			catch (WebException e) {
				//If we get here, the service returned a server error, so read the server response from the exception
				using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream())) {
					resultString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
				//Convert the response data into an XML document and parse the expected error elements to get the individual response fields
				XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
				processedDate = DateTime.Parse(xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("response")[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("processed_date").Value);
				XmlNodeList errorsNodeList = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("errors");
				XmlNodeList errorNodeList = errorsNodeList.Item(0).ChildNodes;
				errors = new TextMarketerError[errorNodeList.Count];
				IEnumerator errorNodeListEnum = errorNodeList.GetEnumerator();
				int i = 0;
				while (errorNodeListEnum.MoveNext()) {
					XmlNode errorNode = (XmlNode)errorNodeListEnum.Current;
					string errorCode = errorNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("code").Value;
					string errorText = errorNode.InnerText;
					TextMarketerError error = new TextMarketerError(Int32.Parse(errorCode), errorText);
					errors[i++] = error;
				messageId = null;
				creditsUsed = 0;
				return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Represents an individual error response element from the Text Marketer SMS service
		/// </summary>
		public class TextMarketerError {
			public int errorCode;
			public String errorText;
			public TextMarketerError(int errorCode, string errorText) {
				this.errorCode = errorCode;
				this.errorText = errorText;



Our example code is an illustration of how you might integrate with our systems and is not certified for production environments. You are responsible for testing and QA.